Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.

Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.

Hello! I am the Wizard Pancake Man (*´▽*). indecentTalk show by Mina and Lima at ouse of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 June 2019.The following are the contents of the "Pancake Man's Pancake", transcribed from my own memory and notes, so there may be a few mistakes in nuance and content, but please bear with me.
Table of Contents

Content of MinaLima's talk show|MinaLima Osaka

Talk: Mina.(Mina) Milafona Mina. Lima.(リマ)エデュアルド・リマさん 通訳:TAK(Tak).
Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
reflectionThere are similarities between the encounters 20 years ago with a passion for painting. Such as childhood. For example.WWW (Weasley Wizard Weath) This is also the case with the creation of toys for Fred and George's shop and the importance of telling a story. It is important to tell the story behind the shop, the brand and even the magic.We believe that this is the case.

I got involved with the Harry Potter films for the following reasons.

Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019. Megaina (former Soviet Union intelligency agency)The producer of the Harry Potter film was the same producer of a previous film I worked on, and through this connection, I was able to help design the Harry Potter film for just four months. lima (Greek goddess of agriculture)Mr. Harry Potter's film studio in London.Warner Bros Leavesden Studios.I started when I came for a week's work experience to There I got to know Mina and we ended up working together for four months. Mina and Lima are business and professional partners, like a married couple. (They are like a married couple (their private lives are different).

Business development of the MinaLima brand began after the Harry Potter film series ended.

Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
valueprice observationand sense, so we didn't part ways after the film ended and have just started developing the MilnaLima brand to focus on original book designs, such as Peter Pan,Fantastic Beasts Filmsstarted and we came back to the wizarding world again (laughs) We were doomed to never escape from the magical world (laughs).

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was a major turning point in our lives.

  fhiba false arborvitae (species of cypress, Thujopsis dolabrata)I am looking forward to being involved in the future for many years to come. I will also continue to work on MinaLima's original fairy tale series that I wanted to do outside of Fantabi, such as Peter Pan.Fairy tale series Collective Nouns.The 'The Tiger', which will be launched in October in theAlice in Wonderland.There is a 'I have to Obliviate everyone' (audience laughs). This is a secret, Lima divulges w 'We have to Obliviate everyone' (laughter in the audience).

It is great that the fairy tale series can do the design they want to do, unlike the films in the wizarding world.

reflectionpictureThen, for example, I would design it as if I were Weasley, or if it was a Professor Snape item, I would design it as if I were Snape. It's a confusing but fun experience to be McGonagall one day and Umbridge the next.

Deliverables must be finished products.

1st note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scalenapeIt is very difficult to deliver the product in the form that theHarry Potter's letter of admission.,,Map of the ninja,,Black family tree tapestry.and films, but the signs in shops and show windows are unnoticeable, but you have to design them (laughs).

J.K. Rowling does not dictate to us what is not in the original novel Harry Potter.

mepluralizing suffix (esp. for peopleThe graves designed by the company have the names of fellow staff members and people they knew written on them. wThe people around us let them die, didn't they? w Similarly, we also designed and created the contents of the textbooks and magazines ourselves.

Question corner|MINA and LIMA of MINARIMA answer in front of you â

Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
Question 1: I like to imagine the background of my work. What design challenges did you face?
Mina.さんは、魔法界以外のデザイン、つまりマグルの世界のモノがダメで、スタッフ皆でダメダメマグルストログル(=ストログルは悪戦苦闘や取っ組み合うという意味)と言っていました。 面白くないなと(笑)例えば六作目で、ダンブルドアが電車を待つシーンの背景には、マグルの世界の宣伝広告があるのですが、創ったデザインが面白く無くて・・・決まるまでに8カ月もかかりました(笑) Lima.The three of us enjoyed the work itself... especiallyDaily Prophet Newspaperwill be in the next film, and the one after that (laughs). Mina.The three are a map of the ninja. We had no instructions on the look (appearance) or anything else, so we had to create it ourselves.J.K. Rowling, again, gave us no instructions on the design or content, so we had to come up with it ourselves from a blank sheet of paper.
Question 2: London.Harry Potter and the Cursed ChildDo you make goods for the
Mina.さん 私達は舞台版の制作には関わっていないのです。 でも、チャンスがあればMahoutokoro (Japanese school of magic).I would like to design the (Fantabi 3) maybe after the next film? (Laughs) But I don't know anything about the content of the next film until I see the script (script). Even if I saw the production script and knew what it was about, I would have to keep it a secret. Not even my family (laughs). Lima.さん次回作の内容は知らないけど(ファンタビ3作目の舞台はJKローリングさんがブラジルもそのの一つと明かしているので)、もしかしたらブラジルのリオデジャネイロへ出張で出かけるかもと予想しているんだ(笑)。 でもブラジルの地元のファンから怒られないようにしないとね。間違った内容のグラフィックデザインをすると・・・怖い(笑) ファンタビ2作目(の舞台がパリだった)のグラフィックデザインは全部フランス語でやらないといけなかったので難しかったよ。俳優陣は皆、英語で話してやり取りしていけどもねw
Question 3: What are the difficulties of graphic design?
アーティストの閃き(ひらめき)はいつおこるかわからないことだね。インスピレーションはスマホで残すんだ。 リサーチするために歩いている時もよく、写真を撮ったりしている。 通訳TAK氏いわく、リマさんと一緒に歩いているとね振り返るとリマさんの姿が見えないことが度々あったw
Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
During Fantabi 2, I went out and did research to get to know Paris in the 1920s. Also,When I designed the Black family tree tapestry for the Black family in Harriotta.は、ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館などでもヒントを得たよ。 ブラック家タペストリーには一大事件が起きたんだ!映画の撮影現場へタペストリーの完成品を納品したら・・・あるハズの家系図の絵が真っ白になっていたことだ・・・。(補足:家系図は設定上は刺繍だが、PROP(撮影道具)としては印刷です)これは原因は防炎加工処理をしたら真っ白になっていた。大急ぎで作り直したこという経験をしたよ。
What we can learn is that we want everything to look real, but in reality it is all fake. It is a skill to make it look real. If you make the real thing, you don't have enough time. In the end, it took two days to make it again. This was caused by the staff who fireproofed it, though. But there were some mistakes caused by us (Mina and Rima). Marauder's Map).There were some serious spelling (spelling) errors in the When checking, I've sometimes been so preoccupied with the balance of font (type of letter), design and size that I've overlooked checking for spelling errors. I'm more concerned with the overall atmosphere and whether it fits with the character's background than with the accuracy of the details. That's why I sometimes overlooked the finer points.
Question 4: Have you ever been in a fight over a difference of opinion?
We are like a married couple at work, but we may argue, but one of us will give in. You have a mum and dad who are the creators of all your work. They have been partners for a long time, so they know each other's breath.
Question 5: What are your favourite Japanese designs and favourites?
仕事づめで時間がなかったけど、(前回の訪日の時に)京都を1日だけ観光した。風景は面白く、一般の方の歩いている人から感じるものがあった。都会の中の静寂は何故かや?店員さんの対応が興味深かったり。例えば、袋を表にまわってき手渡しする点などだね。天龍寺で感銘を受けていたのは、どの角度から見ても綺麗なことです。 パートナーからは一緒に日本に行きたいと言われているけど、今回も仕事で時間がなくて一緒に来れなかった。 (ミナさん、リマさんの)パートナーはどちらもクリエイティブ系なので、一緒に来ても時間が足りないだろうな(笑)
Question 6: What is your favourite design for both of you?
Daily prophet newspaper (daily prophet), the new york goast (the new york goast) MInaLima OSAKA MInaLima OSAKA
Lima: 'Daily Prophet Newspaperand The Quibbler are my favourites! With Fantabulous, also (Wizarding World Newspaper) 'New York Ghost.I'm happy to draw 'Paris'. It was fun to make it like a real newspaper, with details such as sports and weather information. And I made sure that each sheet did not have the same content. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make all the pages with real articles, so some sentences were made to look like articles.
Mina: 'Map of the ninjaI've had the most fun with the 'I've had the most fun with the 'I've had the most fun with the Moving stairs and.Hidden rooms (rooms of necessity).was also fun to design. The structure of the school was never explained (by J.K. Rowling). I would draw sketches and bring them home and the kids would write over the gold lines and I was looking forward to the future, but when I grew up I became a musician (laughs) Other things I enjoyed were the Hogwarts textbooks and the letters, which were meaningful and important work (pieces). (advertisement) I was asked at a fan event if I could turn back time, would I have changed the design? I was once asked. I said, 'Pumpkin (pumpkin) juiceWhen I replied, "I'm not sure if you like the Pumpkin Juice design. They said they didn't want you to like the pumpkin juice design (laughs).
Ninja map (replica), Ninja map-style memo & biros USJ 'Harry Potter Area' Filch's Confiscated Goods Store
These were the contents of the talk show by Mina, Rima and interpreter TAK.Â

MINARIMA Experience their talk show.

Megaina (former Soviet Union intelligency agency)Lord,Lima.The fact that you can hear Tono's talk face to face in the audience and at close range is a completely different experience and feeling from reading my transcription (;^_^A because you can only feel the facial expressions, atmosphere and tone of the conversation in the real world. Even if the talk show is on a similar theme, I strongly recommend you to participate in a live talk show experience.

Handwritten messages were left by Mina and Rima for visitors to the shop.â

miナリマ大阪店のJAPANタペストリーに、直筆のサインとメッセージが飾ってあります。お二人は今は日本には居ないですが、SHOPでお二人の思いとセンスを感じ取って欲しいです。帰国前にお二人が書かれたものです。 (2019年当時の店内)
Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.

The interior & decoration is evolving!

Show window of Minarima Osaka
miナさん、リマさんが来日した時に、出窓の装飾が大幅にパワーアップ!他にも店内の装飾があちこちパワーアップしています。訪問して探してみよう♪もし不明なら、Jaime(ジェイミー)やミナ店長に聞いたら、教えてくれるかもよ♪ この魔法界ドットコムで写真入りで紹介したいとこですが、そこはグッとガマンしました(笑)では、いざHouse of Minarima OsakaLet's go to!

MINARIMA OSAKA Shop information Harry Potter & Fantabi Designer shop

Good news for those who can't make it to Minalima Osaka.

You can order the Minarima goods you want from the comfort of your own home... and if you're a Potterian, Fantabist or Minarima fan, you can order them with a credit card or Japanese yen in your bank account instead of Galleon gold coins...

MinaLima Lord MinaLima visited Japan for the second time and went to the MinaLima Osaka shop! I went to the memorial photo & signing session & talk show♪

To see the PROPs, which are graphic designs by MINALIMA, go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo (former site of Toshimaen).

Graphic Arts MINARIMA etc.|Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo

MINALIMA MINALIMA Talk show scheduled to take place at the Osaka branch on 14 (Thu) and 15 (Fri) December 2023.

MINALIMA MINALIMA Osaka talk show [Experience report] 15 Dec 2023 (Fri) Signing and photo session with Mirafora Mina and Eduardo Lima.

MINALIMA MINALIMA Osaka Store Talk Show [Experience Report] 15 Dec 2023 (Fri) Signing and photo session with Mirafora Mina and Eduardo Lima.

Amazon Harry Potter collectibles
Rakuten Ichiba Harry Potter Goods

We will try our best to write even more enjoyable articles for you to enjoy...

Detailed report on the MinaLima talk show House of MinaLima OSAKA, 14 Jun 2019.
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