Luna Lovegood.

Luna Lovegood tag page

List of articles (reports) mentioning Luna Lovegood (Luna Lovegood).

Commentary, stories and information on the original novels and Harry Potter movies, replica collectibles,USJ Harry Potter AreaThe tag 'Luna Lovegood' is given to pages in which Luna appears, even in part, in the article 'Luna Lovegood'. The role of Luna was played by British actress 'Evanna Lynch' in the Harry Potter film series.

  • 4 December 2023.
  • 22 December 2023.

'The Quibbler' cover poster with mela mela glasses USJ Harry Potter area

Hello! I am the Wizard Pancake Man. I'd like to introduce you to some of the Harry Potter merchandise for sale in the Harry Potter Area at Universal Studios Japan (USJ). THE QUIBBLER cover poster is as realistic as a real Quibbler cover! THE QUIBBLER | SP [...].

  • 12 August 2023.
  • 13 January 2024.

'Mela Mela Glasses' Luna Lovegood Spectrespecs

Today we introduce Harry Potter merchandise. This is a replica of Luna Lovegood's 'Mera Mera glasses', which are sold at the Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo (Toshimaen site) goods shop. Luna Lovegood's 'Mera Mera glasses' are a replica of Luna Lovegood's 'Mera Mera glasses'.

  • 6 December 2022.
  • 10 July 2023.

USJ Harry Potter's new wands Magical Wands (Magic Wand Collection) 13 types on sale. Wands exclusive to Universal Studios worldwide are also available at USJ: 'Sakura and the Unicorn's Mane Wand' Magical Wands exclusive to Japan!

Universal Studios Japan (jointly owned by U.S.J. and Universal Studios Japan) unveils the new Magical Wand! |The interactive 'Magical Wand' in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (commonly known as the 'Harry Potter Area') is the current [...].
