4 Jun Updated USJ Harry Potter Area Closures|Closures|Closures Information Honeydukes' Hundred Flavour Beans Chocolate sales end.

4 Jun 2022 USJ Harry Potter area operating status update â

Universal Studios Japan (USJ) Harry Potter Area Closures Information We update the 'List of Closures' page below with the latest information on shops, attractions, photo services, shows and more. Please note that the following report is being updated without any 'Notification' notice.

Hyakumi Beans on Chocolate(Beans Chocolate) Honeydukes sweets End of sales season

Hundred Flavours Beans on Chocolate (Beans Chocolate) Honeydukes sweets End of sales season

Product name: Hyakumi Beans Chocolate (Beans Chocolate)for the current season (winter/spring) has ended. It has long been explained by the Honeydukes shopkeepers, Witches and Wizards, that the sweets are only available during the winter period, so it is assumed that this has ended now that the temperature has warmed up. It may appear again in the winter season 2022!

The sales showcase in the Honeydukes shop is only selling rolls.Â
