[Video] YouTube USJ Visit Professor Snape's Room♪ USJ Harry Potter Area

Hello! I'm the Pancake Man from Wizarding World.com.

USJ, "Harry Potter Area."Rides at Hogwarts Castle in'Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.'-' (used in place of '-')on the waiting route (queue: line Q).[Hidden spot] 'TheProfessor Snape's room.'-' (used in place of '-')There are many fans who love Severus Snape. There are a lot of Harriotta fans who love Severus Snape, so here are some videos we've uploaded to YouTube for them.

Witches and wizards who want to enjoy the "Professor Snape's Room" commentary in the [USJ spot] "Harry Potter Area" with photos and text go here â

USJ Harry Potter Area - How to get to Professor Snape's room and all the hidden spots in the underground corridors at Hogwarts.

This video introduces and explains the USJ Hogwarts Castle dungeons (underground corridors) in the Harry Potter Area, including Professor Snape's Room.

USJ [Hidden spot] Door to Professor Severus Snape's room Harry Potter area The door to Snape's room in Hogwarts Castle at USJ

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Harry Potter area in video [Hidden spot] USJ Hogwarts dungeons (corridor).

  1. [Hidden spot] Door of the Potions materials storage.
  2. [Hidden spot] Doors of Potions classrooms.
  3. [Hidden spot] Hogwarts kitchen (kitchen) door.
  4. Hidden spot] Statue of the One-Eyed Witch.
  5. [Hidden spot] The door to Professor Severus Snape's room.
  6. [Hidden spot] Basilisk pipes (drains).
  7. Hidden spot] Mirror of the Mizo
  8. Hidden spot] Circular window in the dungeon (see separate video below).
Attention!'Professor Snape's room.You can see the 'Professor Snape's Room' in the queue to go on the 'Rides'! If you are on a route that does not allow you to see 'Professor Snape's Room' (route not taken), you can go on a separate visit orConsultation is possible.But the USJ crew at Hogwarts were busy.When you can't cope.is unfortunate, but you should give up. As the video explains, 'Professor Snape's room.For fans who can't see 'The Tour of the World' on the ride route.When the crew can afford it, they take the time to provide a service.Let's understand that (^^♪

Other people have posted on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, etc. how to get to 'Professor Snape's Room' and tell them that you are 'Professor Snape's wife' or 'Professor Snape called me' and they will take you there. The content of these are also a service provided by the crew, so not every crew will be able to help you every time and at every time.

If you want to try your hand at playing Professor Snape, avoid crowded times and try it when there are no other guests around.

USJ 'Hogwarts Castle Walk'.Then, to avoid passing in front of 'Professor Snape's Room'.Cannot be visited.

USJ Harry Potter and the Forbidden JourneyExpress Pass for,single riderThe route of the 'alsoProfessor Snape's room.It does not pass in front of 'The

The circular window in the dungeon is the same as the window in the Slytherin common room.

USJホグワーツ城 地下牢の円形窓 黒い湖の水中が見える♪雰囲気はまるでスリザリン談話室の円形窓!?

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Detailed reports on Professor Snape's Room, the Hogwarts Underground Corridors and the Round Window in the Harry Potter Area at USJ are explained in detail in each report.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey USJ Hogwarts Castle Ride Attraction

Hogwarts Castle Walk (tour of Hogwarts Castle) USJ 'Harry Potter Area'.

[Hidden spots] in USJ's Harry Potter area.

[Hidden spots].

Wizarding World.com's list of USJ 'Harry Potter Areas' [Hidden Spots].

USJ 'Harry Potter Area' Super Interpretive Guide Menu & Summary

If you want to see the Slytherin Common Room, show up for the Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo.

Slytherin Common Room Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo [Detailed report].

Slytherin Common Room Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo [Detailed report].

Amazon Harry Potter collectibles
Rakuten Ichiba Harry Potter Goods

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[Video] YouTube USJ Visit Professor Snape's Room♪ USJ Harry Potter Area
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