streamers (worn over one's head by students, teachers, etc.)

Sorting Hat tag page

This tag page displays a list of articles mentioning the 'Sorting Hat' at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the novel Harry Potter, the film Harry Potter, the stage Harry Potter and the film Fantastic Beasts.

  • 1 October 2023.
  • 6 February 2024.

Tokyo 'Dumbledore's Headmaster's Office' drawing room, portrait of Dumbledore, three Dumbledores and a sieve of melancholy|Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo (Toshimaen site) [Detailed report].

Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo - Making of Harry Potter" (former Toshimaen site) The "Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo", also known as the "Harry Potter Studio Tour Tokyo", is a film studio tour facility. The 'Dumbledore's Headmaster's Room' at Harry Potter Tour Tokyo is the original London, UK [...].
