Harry Potter Area.

Harry Potter Area tag page

List of pages with partial descriptions of the Harry Potter Area at Universal Studios Japan (USJ).

For articles focusing on the Harry Potter Area, see the category USJ Harry Potter Area.

It also displays reports describing Harry Potter areas in Orlando and Hollywood in the USA and at Universal Studios A in Beijing, China.

The official name of the Harry Potter area is The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

USJ.For a summary page on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Harry Potter Area), see here.

  • 15 May 2023.

Dried head 'Shrunken Head' - scenes and merchandise from the Harry Potter films.

Hello, this is Pancake Man from 魔法界ドットコム (#^. ^#)No. Today I'd like to introduce you to a 'dried head', a doll that looks like a fresh head from the film Harry Potter. It is somewhat grotesque in appearance, so please be careful when viewing it if you are not fond of skeletons or corpse-like objects. Harry Potter's [...].

  • 10 April 2023.
  • 29 February 2024.

USJ [New] Hogwarts Four Dormitory T-shirts (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff), Hogwarts Crest T-shirt, Hogsmeade Village Sign T-shirt (white, navy), Hogwarts Express logo T-shirt USJ 'Harry Potter Area' Filch's Confiscated Goods Store,

Hello! I'm 魔法界ドットコム's wizard pancake man (*´▽*) No. USJ [New products] Hogwarts Fourth Dormitory T-shirt, Hogwarts crest T-shirt, Hogsmeade Village sign T-shirt, Hogwarts Express logo T-shirt "Harry Potter Area" Universal [...].
