Halloween Dessert Feast.

  • 16 Sept 2016.
  • 4 May 2023.

A recreation of the sweets in Hogwarts Great Hall from the Harry Potter films! Eat, eat, eat, eat the Halloween Dessert Feast (Three Broomsticks, Harry Potter Area, USJ).

商品名:ハロウィーン・デザート・フィースト(halloween dessert feast) 内容:ホグワーツ大広間のスイーツ盛り合わせ  アップルパイ  キャロットケーキ  チョコレート・ムース  ショートブレッド  チョコレート・ビスケット  マーブルチョコ 価格:¥3500円(4人前) 販売期間:ハロウィンシーズン限定<2016/9/9~11/6(日)> 販売店舗>>三本の箒 ホグズミード村(USJハリポタ) (2016/9月時点) 2016年魔法界ハロウィーンシーズン限定で販売していた大皿スイーツじゃ♪ハリー・ポッターのパーティーのような見た目♪

  • 27 July 2014.
  • 4 March 2024.

Three Broomsticks sweets menu This is the one to try... Witch pot lemon cake, molasses tart and ice cream, butterbeer pudding... Halloween and Christmas only sweets... USJ "Harry Potter Area".

Wizarding World Blog: Sweets in the Harpotta area recommended by the Wizard Pancake Man♪ This is an introduction to the sweets and desserts, ice cream and cakes that you can eat and bring into the Three Broomsticks (USJ Wizarding World of Harry Potter)! You can bring in items purchased in Hogsmeade Village to the Three Broomsticks! Get into the Harry Potter mood with delicious British treats... Profiteroles, butterbeer pudding, butterbeer ice cream, molasses tarts, chocolate trifle. Bring your own if you buy at Honeydukes Witch pot cakes, macaroons, chocolates, kapu cakes and more! Guidebook for the Harry Potter area at Universal Studios Japan! Free, even the most powerful and maniacal information â Wizard Pancake Man.
