Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel tin... USJ Harry Potter area candy shop Honeydukes.

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

Hello! I'm the Wizard Pancake Man, and I'm here to tell you about my decision.
It's been a while since I've been here today.Harry Potter Area at Universal Studios Japan (USJ).Introduction of the candy in the following table! Butterbeer-flavoured candy... ♪

Butterbeer barrel in a can♪ Butterbeer Drops|USJ "Harry Potter Area".

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

If you've visited the Harry Potter area at Universe, you've seen these barrel-shaped tins, which contain 'Butterbeer candy'.Honeydukes sweets.Is. No. The real setting is.Butterbeer's logo is 'The Three Broomsticks'.I suppose I should say 'Three Broomsticks' sweets because of the design of the 'Three Broomsticks' (laughs).

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

Anyway, it is not a new snack and has been on sale for quite some time, but I decided to buy and try it with my own will. The reason I didn't buy it is because it is not a replica of the one that appears in the film.

Butterbeer barrel can lid with the words 'BUTTERBEER' and 'DROPS'.

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

The packaging is a steel can, designed to look like a butterbeer barrel with the name 'BUTTERBEER' on the side and on the top, which will look stylish and cute if you are a Harriotta fan!


バタービール樽の蓋を開けるとバタービール ドロップが♪

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

The lid of the butterbeer barrel can is removed to reveal a 'butterbeer drop' sealed in clear plastic.

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

When you take them out, they look like this. The contents are individually wrapped, so it's easy to give them to someone or give them away as souvenirs.

The candy (drops) inside are also individually packaged with the BUTTERBEER logo â

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

When you take out the contents, the candy is furthermore individually wrapped in a package. And the design is a white package with the Butterbeer logo printed on it, so it's not cheap and even one drop is a bit special♪

The number of butterbeer drops contains 16 (grains).

[Taste] Butterbeer barrels in a can... ♪ Butterbeer Drops

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

When the contents of the candy were taken out of the white wrapper, the colour and look of the candy was exactly like a condensed 'butterbeer' â

When you put it in your mouth and lick it, it was sweet with or without a hint of butterbeer flavour in the syrup. It doesn't have the quirkiness of normal, slightly sweet rain-driven butterbeer, so anyone can enjoy it.

Product overview|Butterbeer barrels in cans♪ Butterbeer Drops

Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel can at Honeydukes, a candy shop in the Harry Potter area at USJ.

trade (brand) name Butterbeer Drops
shop Honeydukes (USJ 'Harry Potter Area').
Filch confiscated goods shop.(Even when not for sale)
content by volume 52g.
quantity 16 individually wrapped grains
Price 1,200 yen (incl. tax)
seller Morinaga Confectionery Co.
mill Nissin Dairy Industry Co.
Raw material name Sugar, syrup, vegetable oil and fat, flavouring, bicarbonate of soda, acidifier, caramel colour, sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K).
best if eaten by this date At the time of purchase, there were more than eight months

The packaging tin is one of the designs that collectors of Harry Potter merchandise will want to have!Butterbeer mug.It is recommended to display them side by side with the

The candy inside is also individually wrapped with the Butterbeer logo, so it's ideal for handing out as souvenirs... especially to fellow Harriotta lovers.

BUTTERBEER DROPS, USJ 'Harry Potter Area', Honeydukes, Filch's Confiscated Goods Store.

As mentioned above, both in the film and in the original novel Harry Potter.'Butterbeer' is 'The Three Broomsticks'.and the Hog's Head Pub sell it. In the story, Honeydukes does not sell Butterbeer. but it is sold at Honeydukes in the USJ 'Harry Potter Area' as it is a category of confectionery.

Potential souvenirs for the Harry Potter area at Universe ヾ(≧▽≦)ノ.

New snacks] Butterbeer Cream Sandwich Biscuits (Cookies)|Honeydukes USJ "Harry Potter Area".

Shop information: Honeydukes (USJ 'Harry Potter Area').

Shop information: Filch's Confiscated Goods Store, USJ 'Harry Potter Area'.

Shop information: Rodeo Drive Souvenirs (USJ)

USJ 'Harry Potter Area' General menu & how to play summary (Univa).

Amazon Harry Potter collectibles
Rakuten Ichiba Harry Potter Goods

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Butterbeer-flavoured candy (drops) in a Butterbeer barrel tin... USJ Harry Potter area candy shop Honeydukes.
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