Harry Potter, 7 volumes (Seizansha).

[End of sale] Buy your Harry Potter e-ebook on Pottermore and you can enjoy the Harriotta life 365 days a year, anywhere...

The book sale on Pottermore (potter more) ended in September 2021.

Hello! I'm the Wizard Pancake Man (**).

Today's Wizarding World Report is about the Harry Potter e-book.

Harry Potter, 7 volumes (Seizansha).

I don't think anyone would be unaware that the paper book is available in Japanese from the publisher 'Seizansha' (laughs).

Most people will have all seven volumes of the paperback Harry Potter series of books, which are the original novels. w

Meanwhile, an e-book is also available.

The Harry Potter books, as well as related books, are now available in e-book format!

There may be individual preferences for likes and dislikes between paper and e-books. So it is not a compulsory recommendation. w
I also like to read it in print (^^♪ Yes, I've already read it several times around the World Wide Web.

But when I carry it outside... it's a bit bulky and heavy. It's OK if it's only one book, but...
This is where e-books come in! I'll give you the advantages of e-books.Â

Advantages of the Harriotta e-book

1. you can read it on your computer or download it to your smartphone
2. not bulky enough to carry with you; you can read the seven volumes anytime you want. w
3. free e-book viewer
4. search function available
5. the whole set is cheap.
6. to make purchases from the comfort of their own homes.

The Japanese translation you are interested in is the same Japanese translation for the paper book and the e-book. w

The e-book is provided by Pottermore and Sony. The name 'Seizansha' does not appear in the name of the service, which makes me nervous, but it is the same as the paperback version of Harry Potter! You can rest assured that ∩´Seizansha's

The sales website isAmazon (Kindle)and Pottermore.


Amazon is an Amazon member and Kindle device.can be purchased and read on the DL.
Pottermore.can be purchased with a registered Pottermore membership and a credit card (Visa, MasterCard) or PayPal. I have not purchased the book on Amazon, so I have no experience with the specific procedure, but I purchased it on the Pottermore website. (This was quite a while ago, though.) The cover page of the e-book version is as shown in the amazon image on the left.â

Harriotta books at Pottermore.to a surprise as a gift!

Under the 'BUY NOW' button in the purchase procedure you will find a 'Would you like to send this as a gift? BUY NOW button'. When you complete a purchase from this button, you have the gimmick of giving it to someone else as a gift.

You can buy it and send the DL url to your gift recipient, and they will receive it wrapped so that when they look at the Pottermore eBook screen, they won't know what the gift is......it's a nice touch, so if you want to give it to someone else, please use the Buy Gift button If you want to buy a gift for someone, please click on the Buy Gift button!

You can also enter a message for the recipient and send it, so please think of a nice magical message (≥◇≦).

Incidentally, the selling price as of June 2019 is GBP 37.74, being discounted from GBP 41.93. Depending on the exchange rate, this is about 5200 Japanese yen. Of course, depending on the exchange rate, it could be higher. It is cheap now! (Laughter)

I read Wizard Pancake Man on my computer with my browser Edge, and on my phone with the Sony Reader app on my Xperia... I can read any reader software or app that can import epub format files...

When purchasing, please note that you must select the [japanese] version when purchasing in the Japanese version. If you proceed with the purchase procedure with the English version, the DL will also be in English! Caution.

If you prefer paper books and want to carry your Harriotta library with you, click here.

'The Seizansha Pegasusub-Bunko Harry Potter series, set of all 20 volumes.'

Size: 20 x 35.8 x 13.5 cm
Size of one book: 20 cm x 1.8 cm x 13.5 cm.
Amazon Shizansha Pegasus Bunko Harry Potter series, 20-volume set (boxed) .

If you want a more compact Harriotta library book.

Seizansha, 'Harry Potter Collection, 19-volume set (boxed)'.

Size: 15.2 x 28.8 x 11.1 cm
Size of one book: 15 cm x 1.5 cm x 11 cm.
Amazon Harry Potter Library 19-volume set (boxed) .

You can immerse yourself in the wizarding world of Harry Potter anytime, anywhere, with e-books and paperbacks, and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful witch & wizard... Well, that's all for today.

Harry Potter's Potter More content is released on the official Wizarding World website, January 2024.

Amazon Harry Potter collectibles
Rakuten Ichiba Harry Potter Goods

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Harry Potter, 7 volumes (Seizansha).
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