The Three Broomsticks is a wizarding world feast of roast beef! (USJ "Harry Potter Area")

Since 2016.three broomsThe newest addition to the menu of theNew wizarding world cuisineto introduce the following!
(in...)USJ, 'Harry Potter Area'.(Restaurant in)

The new meat dish in the Three Broomsticks: 'roast beef'.

Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

Product name: Roast beef (BEEF SUNDAY ROAST) Version until October 2020.

Contents: thick, one-piece roast beef.
Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli
Price:¥2800 2016.¥3,490 From 2017 to October 2020 (prices and dishes have changed when the menu changes from November 2020).Roast beef after the change is presented in a separate report â)
Sales outlets >>Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade Village (USJ 'Harry Potter Area')

(as of April 2021).

I certify this as the most delicious dish on the Three Broomsticks' menu.

The meat is tender and habit-free www.
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

Nachan Harry is all smiles at the delicious roast beef.
(Model: Nachan Harry Potter) @snoel72)
Roast beef is different in the Three Broomsticks, whereas roast beef is generally sliced into thin strips (laughs).
*Generally, thigh roast beef is also bigger w
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

The Three Broomsticks roast beef is characterised by the following points

1. 1 piece of meat, the size of a man's palm and large
2. thick! 1 cm - 2 cm.
3. soft and juicy
4. tastes good with a strong flavour
The flavour and finish of the garnish is well balanced and goes well with the beef â
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.
It's such a pity there's no white rice here.
No, bread or pancakes are fine.
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.
I don't think Japanese Muggles usually eat this pudding.
It's a meal accompaniment, so it's less sweet, but it's rich and tasty.
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.
I'm a big fan of English puddings from a certain shop (laughs).
Yorkshire pudding is named after its origins in Yorkshire, England.
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.
The volume would fill anyone eating alone.
It's so good, foodies will want to eat it for two.

However, the price is.highThe biggest cry is that (@_@.

3,000 yen.closeIt is very hard on the wallet to order it instead of a regular lunch.
But when you want to eat luxuriously or celebrate, you should definitely get excited and try it. ^)/
Excellent roast beef â€" a wizarding world feast at the Three Broomsticks! (USJ Harriotta) Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

If you're at the hungry level, it's a bit easier on the wallet if you share the food like we did.
1.butterbeer 600 yen x 2 = 1,200 yen
2. roast beef2,800 yen x 1 = 2,800 yen After price increase ¥3,490 x 1 = ¥3,490
Total:4,000 yen. 4,900 yen.
one person2,000 yen 2,450 yen!

But it's more than just one serving per person.

For those who want to eat less meat, we have 'TheRoast beef saladI'd recommend 'â

¥1500 andinexpensiveThen (^▽^;)

Roast beef salad Three Broomsticks (USJ 'Harry Potter Area')

Roast beef saladis a menu with a few slices of delicious roast beef on top of a crispy garden salad from the Three Broomsticks â

If you're heading to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, make sure you get your spending money in advance at Gringotts Bank.
The Wizard & Witch of the Three Broomsticks (Crew)
I'd like to thank you for all the care you've given me... it's made me relax.
Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, which Harry and his friends eat in the original four volumes of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It has not been confirmed whether it will appear in the film.

Note, from November 2020 - 'Roast Beef' has changed. This report is a taste impression before the change.
Nov 2020- The price has been reduced to 2,900 yen... but the meat has also changed and the pancake man's preference score isSignificant reduction to 3.8In ... detailed in a separate repo, April 2021.

[After changes] Three Broomsticks roast beef has become cheaper but the meat has been changed USJ 'Harry Potter Area', April 2021.

The Three Broomsticks USJ 'Harry Potter Area'.

Restaurant information: Three Broomsticks (THREE BROOMSTICKS), Wizarding World Restaurant.

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