You can enter the terrace of the Three Broomsticks to take photos... The Three Broomsticks is open for drinks only... USJ "Harry Potter Area".

Three Broomsticks in the USJ 'Harry Potter Area'.â

A stand with a chain has been installed at the entrance to the terrace of the restaurant The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade Village.

Entrance to the terrace of the Three Broomsticks restaurant, USJ 'Harry Potter Area'.

Does this mean no trespassing signs? Many people may have thought so. Actually, yes (laughs).

When we asked the crew of the Three Broomsticks, we were told that photographers are free to enter!

So I went in and took a quick photo where I didn't disturb the people who were eating.

Hogwarts upside down Hogwarts Castle reflected in the Black Lake is a spectacular sight... The Three Broomsticks terrace, USJ, Harry Potter Area.

The best way to photograph Hogwarts upside down is to photograph Hogwarts Castle from the terrace! So feel free to enter!

Just one caveat.

The tables and chairs on the terrace are for guests of The Three Broomsticks.

Tables & chairs are not available for resting. To use them, you must enter through the main entrance of the Three Broomsticks and order food and drinks.â

Here's a piece of trivia.

Hog's Head pubDrinks purchased at the (butterbeer(e.g.) areI can't sit down and take a break.
It is a takeaway restaurant, so there are no tables & chairs, with the exception of the counter.

However, drinks purchased at the 'Three Broomsticks' can be sat down for a rest.â

butterbeerYou can also have just a drink, such as Guests who want to sit down and rest can buy drinks at the Three Broomsticks! To buy at the Three Broomsticks, you'll need to enter through the main entrance on Hogsmeade High Street. However, the queues may be longer than at the Hogshead... Ouch!


Three Broomsticks terrace, coffee and ice cream (USJ 'Harry Potter Area')

I have a coffee andIce cream (strawberry & peanut butter)Don't tell me that you ordered a Hogwarts and were smitten while watching Hogwarts on the terrace (because it was delicious? Because I saw Hogwarts? w).フローリアン・フォーテスキュー・アイスクリームパーラーのアイスクリームを食べよう♪

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the terrace of the Three Broomsticks (USJ 'Harry Potter Area').

A view of Hogwarts from the terrace... It was a beautiful day and the pancake man wanted to stare at the view forever.

Location of Three Broomsticks terrace (map)

Three Broomsticks Terrace Location (USJ Harry Potter Area MAP)

Shop information: Sanbon no Broomstick.

Harry Potter Area - comprehensive menu & how to play summary.

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Rakuten Ichiba Harry Potter Goods

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