Extended opening hours and special lighting up of Hogwarts Castle during the summer holidays, USJ HARRIPOTA (9 Aug-31 Aug).

Hogwarts Castle will be specially lit up from Saturday 9 August to Sunday 31 August 2014! (^O^)/

Normally, Hogwarts Castle has a fantastic, dark atmosphere.
▼ Like this.

Hogwarts Castle (USJ Harriotta) Osaka, lit up during the normal season (4 Aug 2014).
The darkness is due to the way the photo was taken. (Pancake Man has no photographic skills...). W)
If you see it live, it is beautiful! Sobering! It's a spectacular view (laughs).
USJ's explanation is that there will be a special light-up that is different from the usual, which appears to be Hogwarts Castle floating in the night sky.

If you want to see a different Hogwarts than usual, go to USJ's Harry Potter from 9 Aug-31 Aug!

In the imagination of the Wizard Pancake Man, this is what it looks like↓.
Hogwarts Castle (USJ Harriotta) Osaka, lit up during the normal season (4 Aug 2014).
*Note: These are photos of normal Hogwarts with different digital camera settings.
This is not a photograph of a special light-up.

Also, from 11 Aug to 31 Aug, only the Harriotta area will extend its opening hours to 23:00!

*Other areas are open for business.
Hot summer evenings can be spent relaxing in the Harry Potter Area at USJ, with a view of Hogwarts Castle...
Let's all go and see Hogwarts!
<8/9 Postscript.
Compare the special light-up with the regular light-up.
*Differences in camera ISO and other settings, not identical conditions.

▼ Normal illuminated version Hogwarts Castle

Special light-up Hogwarts Castle (Harriotta USJ) Wizard Pancake Man.
White and orange are mixed to create light and dark colours, creating a perspective effect on Hogwarts.

▼ Special light-up version Hogwarts Castle

Special light-up Hogwarts Castle (Harriotta USJ) Wizard Pancake Man.
It is all orange and illuminates Hogwarts in an overall brighter way.
It is illuminated in the same way as ordinary buildings and old castles.
I feel that it is easier to get a real sense of scale, perhaps because there is less light and less dark.
Both are beautiful!
Please visit Hogwarts during the summer months too.
Annual pass holders are welcome from 10 to 15 August, when it is excluded, and from 16 August onwards.â

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