Harry Potter Japanese edition 1 Dec 2019 Call for ideas for events to celebrate the 20th anniversary of publication Publisher Shizansha â

Good evening! I'm the Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

The Shizansha Temple is looking for ideas for its 20th anniversary celebrations!

Potterian readers of my blog will know that it has been 18 years since the Japanese edition of the original Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone novel was released. It was released on 1 December 1999.

★Publisher of the Japanese edition of Harry Potter Shizansha is looking for ideas for events to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first edition of the book in December 2019 Wizard Pancake Man Dumbledore.

(I didn't read the original story right away.
It all started when she took me to see the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was released in December 2001.

Actually, I wasn't that keen on it, although I can't say that out loud (laughs).
But I was the one who got hooked when I saw the film (laughs).

I immediately went to the bookshop, bought the original book, and read it while I was away on a date.
As all our readers know, we were completely absorbed in the dreamy and fun world of JK Rowling's Harriotta.
After that, I greatly enjoyed the sequel to the novel and the film.
When the original book came out, I couldn't wait to buy it first thing in the morning and read that big Japanese edition standing up in the Ginza Line commuter train.
Oops, let's get back on topic on the WWW.
Yuko Matsuoka of Seizansha was the one who brought the wonderful world of Harry Potter to Japan!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, W.

To mark the 20th anniversary of the release of the Japanese edition of the Haripotter, Shizansha-dono is looking for fun things to do.

A Haripotai event is being considered for the anniversary two years from now, on 1 December 2019. w
For more information, see the company's tweets.

If you want to do something like this or that in Hariporta, please send us your ideas via Twitter DM or Lip! You can apply for the job via Twitter DMs or LIPs! There is no set deadline for applications, so we recommend that you apply as soon as possible.

Pancake Man Dumbledore was also quick to offer one of the things he wanted to do, w
Some of them are also returning a lot of requests.

A quick look shows that the most common idea was 'I want a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry acceptance card'.

I'm all for this, or rather, I want it: !!!!! (LOL)
Or rather, I want to enrol! (←That's impossible in many ways, but (;^_^A)
And the dream you envision in your magical world may come true. w
I'd love to see you deliver some great thoughts. w
My request is as follows.
'Come together in your Harriotta fancy dress for a Guinness World Record attempt!'
The location is in the USJ Hallipota area or USJ grounds if possible, followed by a wizarding world for everyone to enjoy. w

It will be a great success if USJ, Pottermania and others join us as co-sponsors.
Please tweet this page if you agree with us.Â
We are now looking forward to welcoming December 2019 as well.
I'd like to take advantage and do something with the Wizarding World blog.
For example, here's what we'll do:Â Â We'll all tweet at once at exactly midnight on 1 December 2019.
#lumos." (It's Lumos.)
This is an attempt to overtake the number of instantaneous tweets of a Japanese animation spell with the help of the world's potties.

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary of publication and light to a peaceful world! And with meaning.
Well, we'll see you soon... ♪

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